Butterfly Brooch pin

It starts as an idea! Here i decided that for the Silversmithing class i would make the brooch the other option was to make a pair of earrings which for me were rather too small. But i could have made them to give as a Christmas present!. I could still give this as i Gift as it is Sterling silver.

All the other ladies in the class have made some really nice earrings or the Brooch and we are all first timers at it. We are enjoying the course we have all decided we shall do the level 2 in Silversmithing as we are doing Level 1 in Silversmithing.

Butterfly Brooch

This is my Silversmithing course at evening school. Here i have a project to make a Silver Pin Brooch.
Then the butterfly templet cut out in silver sheet. I then took a cross peine hammer and hammered the bark effect.

I then took a circle punch and made round shapes to follow the wings like on a butterfly,and body shape.
Then filed the edges and hammered the front of the Brooch.

Butterfly Brooch
I then made some antennas with some spare wire, I filed them down to make them smooth and ready to attach to the head of the butterfly. wow!

Butterfly Brooch
This Week at college doing my Silversmithing Course i worked to try to finish my Butterfly Brooch.
I soldered the antennas on then cooled and pickled then out the pickle and dried, then filed them some more and then sanded the Brooch smooth on all the edges. Then a got the Pin wire and soldered that to the body of the Brooch, rinsed,pickled then polished with wire brass brush.Next stage is to file a point to the end of the pin to go through clothing then bend to a slight 90 degree curve.

Butterfly Brooch

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